29 September, 2013

2013 | 272 | 29Sep13 | Savandurga

1. Indian Robin (Female)

Indian Robin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
01 It is widespread in the Indian Subcontinent
02 The males of northern populations have a brown back whose extent gradually reduces southwards with populations in the southern peninsula having an all black back.
03 They are commonly found in open scrub areaa or perching on low thorny shrubs and rocks.
04 Their long tails are held erect and their chestnut undertail covert and dark body make them easily distinguishable from the Pied Bushchat and the Oriental Magpie Robin.
05 The males have chestnut undertail coverts
06 Bird usually holds the 6–8 cm long tail raised upright.
07 The females are brownish above, have no white shoulder stripe and are greyish below with the vent a paler shade of chestnut than the males.
08 Juvenile birds are much like females but the throat is mottled.
09 This bird is found in open stony, grassy and scrub forest habitats.
10 They are mainly found in dry habitats and are mostly absent from the thicker forest regions and high rainfall areas.
11 All populations are resident and non-migratory.
12 The species is often found close to human habitation and will frequently perch on rooftops.
13 Males can be aggressive to others during the breeding season
14 They feed mostly on insects but are known to take frogs and lizards especially when feeding young at the nest.
15 Individuals may forage late in the evening to capture insects attracted to lights.
16 The breeding season is December to September but varies according to region.
17 Males sing during this season and display by lowering and spreading their tail feathers and strutting around the female, displaying their sides and fluffing their undertail coverts.
18 An aggressive display involves fluffing up the feathers and holding the bill high.
19 Nests are built between rocks, in holes in walls or in a tree hollow.
20 Nests are lined with animal hair and it has been noted that many nests have pieces of snake sloughs.
21 The eggs are of regular oval form.
22 Eggs are about 0.76–0.84 inch (1.9–2.1 cm) long and 0.55–0.62 inch (1.4–1.6 cm) wide.
23 Three to four eggs is the usual clutch.
24 Only the female incubates.
25 Eggs hatch in about 10–12 days.
26 Both males and females feed the young,
27 Nestlings may feign dead (thanatosis) when handled.
28 Nestlings may be preyed on by the Rufous Treepie.
29 The same nest site may be reused in subsequent years.

ID ??

4. Blue Faced Malkoha

5. White Throated Kingfisher

6. Ashy Crowned Sparrow Lark (Female) ??

7. Common Iora
Google Map: 12.920, 77.296

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